The universe is in danger. Stars are being extinguished, one after the other, after the Snake's fateful vist. Accompanied by his inseparable friend Fox, The Little Prince must solve this problem, and leaves his asteroid and his Rose for a great journey. Traveling from planet to planet, he discovers vast, enchanting worlds...
When the Little Prince finally reaches the planet of the Bubble Gob, he discovers that the whole ocean is covered with items discarded by the Creatall. This problem causes an even bigger issue - the rising of the water level which now dangerously threatens the Creatall's fragile homes! The Little Prince soon realizes that the problem is the Bubble Gob. The Bubble Gob is an underwater mechanical creature, who is supposed to destroy the rubbish and clean the ocean. However , the Bubble Gob is faulty and continues to grow bigger and bigger! The Bubble Gob has grown so big that its slightest movements cause the ocean level to rise dangerously. The Little Prince has to react and soon as time is running out...
I don't know where to F**king start with this kid film and no this is not the stop motion 2015 film still would love to see that one but no i had to watch a movie about saving a planet and there water from trash a planet full of smart charaters but not one could figure out what to f**king do about the trash problem in the water insted of creating a robot worm that ends up getting bigger and bigger that will be the death of these F**kers. So pretty much Little Prince ends up on this planet of annoying blue inventor alien charaters called Creatalls that there leader is a hostage to a snake are you f**king kidding me why can't you get away its a god damn snake and help your stupid people oh i forgot its a evil snake with magical powers. But The Prince saves the day, the two anyoning blue creatures fall in love and The Prince heads back to bang a flower the end no joke he into a flower called Ross. Hope the 2015 one is better cause this one sucks to be honest i don't know anything about The little Prince so i don't know if its about protecting planets from trash or other stupid stuff about the environment but the fox is cool and the movie animation is not bad will keep young children entertain for awhile so glade i pay only $6 for this but its a pass unless you about 0 to 5 years old.
When the Little Prince finally reaches the planet of the Bubble Gob, he discovers that the whole ocean is covered with items discarded by the Creatall. This problem causes an even bigger issue - the rising of the water level which now dangerously threatens the Creatall's fragile homes! The Little Prince soon realizes that the problem is the Bubble Gob. The Bubble Gob is an underwater mechanical creature, who is supposed to destroy the rubbish and clean the ocean. However , the Bubble Gob is faulty and continues to grow bigger and bigger! The Bubble Gob has grown so big that its slightest movements cause the ocean level to rise dangerously. The Little Prince has to react and soon as time is running out...
I don't know where to F**king start with this kid film and no this is not the stop motion 2015 film still would love to see that one but no i had to watch a movie about saving a planet and there water from trash a planet full of smart charaters but not one could figure out what to f**king do about the trash problem in the water insted of creating a robot worm that ends up getting bigger and bigger that will be the death of these F**kers. So pretty much Little Prince ends up on this planet of annoying blue inventor alien charaters called Creatalls that there leader is a hostage to a snake are you f**king kidding me why can't you get away its a god damn snake and help your stupid people oh i forgot its a evil snake with magical powers. But The Prince saves the day, the two anyoning blue creatures fall in love and The Prince heads back to bang a flower the end no joke he into a flower called Ross. Hope the 2015 one is better cause this one sucks to be honest i don't know anything about The little Prince so i don't know if its about protecting planets from trash or other stupid stuff about the environment but the fox is cool and the movie animation is not bad will keep young children entertain for awhile so glade i pay only $6 for this but its a pass unless you about 0 to 5 years old.
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